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About Us

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Hi there! 

I’m Franklin, the founder of taloO.ai, and if you got here it
means that you are, at
least at some degree, interested in what “we” do here. With that in
mind, I’ll try to share with you a brief history of this venture.

In 2017, after having spent 25 years working in the IT field, where I
first acted as Hardware Technician and went all the way up to IT
Executive/CIO, I decided that It was time to take the initiative and
start what could be my dream activity.

With the crescent demand for more control over users’ data, and noticing
that more and more people are starting to taking their privacy more
seriously. I perceived that there could be an opportunity to be explored
in this area.

With that in mind, I started to research about this subject and I came
up with a set of funcionatlities that could be useful for the users if
we keept their data secret.
Their are:

– News Aggregator
– Instant Messenger
– Weather
– Cloud Storage

With the app developed, and our mission and vision both set up, its time to make it happen. 

There’s where we are now.

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Our Mission
Supply tech solutions that empower people on keeping control over their
lives and data.

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Our Vision
To be a reference when it comes to privacy and respect for the user’s

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taloO is a privacy focused toolkit that provides you with the most used functionalities while preventing anybody else from having access to your data.


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